Teresa Mangum is Professor of Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies and English and Director of the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Iowa. Her research addresses the ways 19th-century British novels shaped readers’ understanding of women, late life, and connections among species as well as publicly engaged methods and pedagogy. She is co-P.I. on the Andrew W. Mellon-funded Digital Bridges for Humanistic Inquiry: A Grinnell College/University of Iowa Partnership, co-editor with historian Anne Valk of a University of Iowa Press book series, The Humanities and Public Life, co-founder of the Obermann Graduate Institute on Engagement and the Academy, founding member of the Academy of Community Engagement Scholarship,Secretary of the National Humanities Alliance Board of Directors, and a board member of Imagining America.
Heather Draxl
Heather Draxl is a doctoral student in Language, Literacy, and Culture at the University of Iowa. Her passion is teaching first-year composition and studying civically engaged pedagogy in first-year composition programs.